FarmFit is the live-platform event uniting Europe’s forward-thinking young farmers, food producers and their related networks.
“Initially scheduled for November 11-12 this year, we decided to move the first edition into the fall of 2022”, confirms Zhenja Antochin, Senior Project Manager at VNU Europe. After careful consultations it shows that the original date for FarmFit this November is coming too soon. Covid-19 still proposes significant uncertainties for international travelling.
“Right from the start, we have been committed to an in-person event”, explains Antochin. Worry-free travelling is a key condition to launch the successful first edition of FarmFit.
The program outline remains unchanged: License to Produce. So does the format: a variety of small interactive sessions together with a line-up of renowned key notes are set to inspire farmers, food producers, marketeers and financers to secure food production in a way that ensures a healthy living for farmers with a long-term prosperous outlook.
The organizers, partners and related stakeholders, such as the HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management, will make use of the coming months to further work on content and network development. You can expect to hear more in spring 2022.
Save the Date! FarmFit: September 22-23, 2022
Leipziger KUBUS, Leipzig – Germany